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“Intercultural Ministry Vacation Bible school”을 소개합니다.
” In God’s Hands”라는 주제로 열리는 “Intercultural Ministry Vacation Bible school”는
영어로 진행되는 어린이 VBS 입니다.
* Date and time: July 5-8, 2016 from 9:30- 12:00 noon.
* Place: Southminster-Steinhauer United Church (10740 - 19 Avenue.)
* 대상: Ages 4- 12.
* The Teachers: Sharon McRann (retired minister) Gain Goin (retired school Principal)
* 내용: There will be learning, singing, games, crafts and fun.
This program will give an opportunity for new Canadian children to be welcomed and loved and help
them to grow as they encounter different cultures and gifts.
A registration form and the poster now are available through the Edmonton website and also the Intercultural website: www.epim.ca .
If you are interested, for more information and to register, please Contact:
YoonOk Shin at 780 - 438- 6619 (한국어), email: intercultural@uccedm.org
Sharon McRann at 780-948-6800 (영어) , Gaie Goin at 780-352-8505 (영어)